Virtual Conference
When, Where, and What Are My Students Learning?
Presentation abstract:
No one ever learned to read, write, listen to, and speak a new language by passively watching television. Classes need to be multi-modal, providing students opportunities to struggle with language while using it to communicate with others. Too often, with the move to online teaching, multi-modal strategies are lost. Sometimes this is because of the teacher, and other times because of students who, for many reasons, remain off video, not appearing in class.
Beyond online teaching, hybrid approaches require teaching some students face to face, while others take part from home. And now there is a third approach: also teaching on-demand students who learn asynchronously, outside of class hours. In tri-brid classes, teachers must find ways to engage students face to face, online, and on-demand, all at the same time.
This presentation focuses on multi-modal strategies to better engage face-to-face, online, and on-demand students. A key consideration is approaches to assessment, ensuring students are learning what teachers are teaching.

Dr. Ken Beatty
Dr. Ken Beatty is author/co-author of more than 130 English as a Second Language textbooks used worldwide from the primary to tertiary levels, as well as books on Computer Assisted Language Learning. He has worked at universities in Canada, China, Colombia, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, and the USA and given more than 300 teacher-training presentations and 100+ conference presentations throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North and South America. He is currently TESOL Professor at Anaheim University, a consultant, and a writer for various publishers.